Youth Beach Bonfire
Sat Aug 5, 2023 6:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Santa Cruz, CA
Join us for a beach bonfire!!
Here's the schedule:
4:30 – Meet at LGIC parking lot
5:00 – Bus departure from the parking lot
6:00 – Arrive at Seabright Beach
9:30 – Load onto the bus
10:30 – Back at LGIC parking lot
If you decide to find your own ride to the beach, please remember that you must also have a ride back to leave at 9:30 pm. As for the bus riders, remember to have someone ready to pick you up at LGIC at 10:30 pm.
There will be only 30 bus tickets sold, so purchase quickly as spots will fill up very fast.
List of items we encourage you to bring:
- Jacket (it gets incredibly cold after sunset!)
- Blanket/Chair/Tent
- Sunscreen
- Portable charger
- A change of clothes (if you plan on going in the ocean)
We hope to see you there! Please direct any questions to [email protected]
Santa Cruz, CA